December 8th, 1974

a writer stealing moments between duties, a university learning from tragedy, and a community discovering new ways to dine together

The Hidden Tragedy Behind UNC's Athletic Care System

The Herald-Sun, Durham, North Carolina · Sunday, December 08, 1974

In 1971, athletic health care meant a basic infirmary. UNC linebacker Bill Arnold’s death from heatstroke in 1971 catalyzed the creation of a new Sports Medicine programs. By 1974, UNC was building a comprehensive sports medicine program that would become a model for universities nationwide.

An Early Career Feature on Local Author Lee Smith

The Herald-Sun, Durham, North Carolina · Sunday, December 08, 1974

Local author Lee Smith, now 80, has written 15 novels, 4 collections of short stories, and a memoir. But in 1974 she had just moved to Chapel Hill (Burlage Circle to be precise) and was working on her 4th novel. Between a part-time teaching job at Carolina Friends School & caring for two small children, she wrote that novel and others on yellow legal pads whenever she had the chance

Triangle Dineout Club

The Herald-Sun, Durham, North Carolina • Sun, Dec 8, 1974

This ad for 1974’s version of Groupon featured deals & free meal credits at a variety of area restaurants for $10 (about $65 equivalent today). Chapel Hill spots included Golden West Steak House (104 S Estes, now an office complex) and Peppi's Pizza (208 W Franklin, now a UNC planning office).


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